So aggravated with myself. I am not a minimum type person. I am a maximum type person. Problem is most of my maximum stuff is totally useless to me! I cleaned out some kitchen drawers and found probably 100's of THINGS. I could only throw away 2 things.
I kept thinking with each little gadget, well, I might need that, throw it back in. Problem is when I really need something, I can never find the exact thing I need.
Organization is what I need in there more than anything else. Can't seem to make time to organize and have more room to just throw things in a drawer than to organize seems like. I am sure it can be done. It is just not on my list of high priority.
I was able to find ONE shaker bottle I can use, which is was the goal of getting into those drawers, but of course, I rather buy a brand new set of 4 to toss around in there.
Whomever visits my yard sale when it finally occurs is going to get some treasures DIRT CHEAP.
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