Easy to Get to Heaven as a Pentecostal
All you got to do is pick a church you want to go to, put on the clothes they tell you to wear, wear your hair like they tell you to wear it and so far as everything else involved with "appearance," just do whatever they tell you is accepted by their particular church group.
Then go to their every event, and praise the "leaders" in that church group to the high heavens.
Then when the church event is over and you are back in your secret world, JUST DO WHATEVER IN THE HECK YOU WANT TO DO.
Just as long as your particular church group does not catch YOU doing something they have told you not to do, then you should be in heaven before you know it!
You don't have a thing to worry about because you have done everything your particular church group has told you to do. When you are sick, they will all come visiting, that is, if that is one NORM of their particular group and anything else that this particular group prescribes as being the NORM to do, you can expect it to happen.
But when you really need help from God, forget that, because all you have really done is worship your particular church group of people. All you can expect in the way of HELP is just what they want to give you.
To actually get to the Kingdom of Heaven is never the real goal in most of these kind of social church groups. The real goal is being accepted by your particular church group so you FEEL like you are okay just because they make you feel like you are.
I mean really, none of these people actually believe there is a Kingdom of Heaven to get to. They are all just in the same boat you are in, a boat that is sinking because Jesus is not the captain, "people are in charge instead."
And remember, just as long as none of your church friends SEE or KNOW what you are doing behind closed doors in your private life, you can do just whatever you want to do. The rules to follow are only prescribed by this "particular church social group," and that is all you have to do. Get out of their rules, and you won't be able to attend their events.
Really worship God and you won't be able to attend because you might step on the toes of somebody who owns the building you are in or who is in charge or who is most popular in that group. The name of the game is following the rules prescribed to you of whatever particular church group you are in, that is, in order to be seen as one of them, in order to attend their events.
Be sure and praise the owners of the church, and the leaders of the church, and the popular people in the church so you will be able to sit among them. Don't you dare really praise God, because one of the most important people or maybe several of them in the particular church group you have chosen to be among might just bodily pick you up and show you the door for leaving. So keep as obedient to these people as you can be so you will be highly esteemed by them and able to go to their events.
If you really want a place in the Kingdom of Heaven, forget it, because your only home is in the flesh and on earth. When this thing is over, you will be closed out of the Kingdom instead of a building where people have established the rules for you to follow.
Most of these places make it very easy for you to be part of their group. They usually just have a dress code, and a hairstyle to follow. Just show up and look like they want you to look, say amen to everyone in the crowd that is "popular, the leaders or the owners of the building, and praise to the high heavens everyone in their families, cousins, children, grandchildren, etc., and you should be able to attend their buildings easily. You will have to pay them some money as well. Some might require a specific amount like they do to do into the movies, you buy a ticket at the door and go in and watch the movie, some of these churches are like, you probably have to pay something to the owners of the church in order to be there and if you don't pay them some money, you probably get a cold shoulder from them so much that it will make you pay whatever amount of money it takes to remain a part of them.
Pentecostal faith people make it really easy than some of the other faiths of the world. At least you don't have to wear a face covering. You can buy your clothes at a local J.C. Penney's store. And you don't have to wear one certain color. You are free to have many different colors of clothes and high heels and pocketbooks to match everything for Sunday morning worship with them.
In fact, it probably is easier to be among this religious group than say being a Catholic nun or priest or some of the other religions that require women to wear head dresses and keep their faces covered even when Covid ain't spreading. Just don't wear pants or shorts. You got to wear a skirt or a dress if you are a woman. And don't wear any kind of make up. You can only wear face powder and that ain't considered make up to these people. You can't wear earrings, but you can wear hair jewelry. but then again, some of these churches do allow other costumes more than skirts and dresses, so again, it is just up to the leaders of the church you choose as to what you can wear there, very similar to jobs that require certain uniforms while on the job, but usually in these churches, you will have to wear their particular costumes most of the time just in case you meet up with some of them in town. If you are at home, you could by with wearing something else, but if any of your church members come to the door, be sure and run and change into their prescribed costumes or you will be fired.
If you can sing or play an instrument, you probably will become highly esteemed and welcomed in. These people just love people who can play instruments and sing and provide musical entertainment during their events. If you are one of these, you probably will be quite popular among them and quite valuable.
Now....each church and each religious organization or belief system has different kinds of music. The Pentecostal really get down with their music, they really provide their audiences with bouncy tunes. They are based on "rockabilly" style music, unknown to themselves, as they thought they were the original creators of their type of music. They usually have all the instruments that the rock in roll stars have in their musical line up, loud electric guitars, organs, drums, piano, banjo. They have their roots in Elvis Presley type music and some of them move to the music like Elvis did too as he got a lot of his moves from the colored people churches he was raised in. You can kind of know why they have such bouncy loud music, tamborines and cybils and that is because scripture does tell people to make a loud, joyful noise on these instruments, however, none of them know this scripture for the reason behind their kind of musical entertainments. They just do it because the people before them did it and the people before them did it and the people before them did it.
Other religious around the world with have different kinds of music, some might just have organ music, some might just use a piano, some might just use drums. Every type of religion usually has some kind of musical instrument in their line up. There are probably some though that have no music and just sit in a deep stare and call it devotion or meditation.
At any rate, all you got to do is choose the church you want to go to and keep all their rules and you should fit in enough to be able to attend all their events. You might not actually go to the Kingdom of Heaven, but really, it is my belief that most of these people don't even believe there is a Kingdom of Heaven to go to. They just do church activities like this to make them feel like they are an okay person. There is great social and emotional strength in numbers of people who band together like this and pat each other on the back, but it probably will be rare that the majority of these church goers are actually God's true elect and will actually be in the Kingdom of Heaven in the afterlife, but what does it matter, this "seemeth right way" gets them through their days and nights enough to keep them fairly content while alive in the flesh.
Every seemeth right way leads to death and not life after the flesh has perished.
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