The World Also Loves Its Own
It does not matter how much you love or how much you do for any one person in this life, that is, it does not elevate you spiritually with God, IF you cannot extend that same care and love for just ONE other person. You might love 100's of people and have just ONE person you would turn away, and miss favor and power with God spiritually. This is what most people just cannot understand at this time. They think because they have such great love for husbands, wives, children, grandchildren, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters, that this means they are right in tune with God and also possess favor and power with God, set for on their way to the Kingdom. However, even the world and those who do not claim to serve or worship any God have people in their life that they love the same as you do. This type of love serves only the flesh. It is not the kind of love required to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. It is not the kind of love that grants you spiritual favor or power when things go wrong in your life and you call on God thinking how good you must be in the eyes of God because of how many love you and how many you love. God knows the deepness of the heart and he knows exactly which ONE person in which you do not have the same love for, and this ONE person you secret despise or just would not do the same as you would for some of your loved ones in the way of family and friends is the ONE sin concerning LOVE that will stop you cold at the gates of Heaven. You will not be allowed you to enter in just because you have picked out a few people in your life that you love and would bend over backwards for.
The real love of God, which is Charity, is the only thing that will exist at the end of all time in the flesh and it does not include sexual love either, as sexual love is for one purpose in the flesh today and that is to reproduce. When you sexually love without reproducing you are not in the will of God. Loving sexually your spouse is not the kind of love that enters into the Kingdom. God does not give any woman or man permission to "sell their sexuality" even within the marital arrangement legally. Those who do these things are the same as the prostitutes of this world. Sexuality was meant for reproduction. If you use your sexuality to gain money, you have sinned instead. You might have gained your money and/or wealth to get by in this present world, but in the world to come you will be seen as what you were, which is a prostitute, one selling sexuality to gain possessions or money. Men and women can be guilty of this. Sexuality to be godly and holy is performed only with the intentions of reproducing. You might think well I got married, and I provided for my spouse many things in the flesh, but if the bottom line of your behavior brings forth money and possessions to you, if you are passed the child bearing age, then you have done nothing but performed sexually for money like a prostitute would do, and this is how God sees you instead. He did not see you as a legal wife. He saw you as a legal prostitute instead. Men can be prostitutes as well and be trying to gain the same things as a woman in this work role in the flesh.
Sexual love will be done away with in the Kingdom of Heaven as it had one purpose on earth and that purpose was to USE YOU to reproduce for possible candidates later to be added to the Kingdom.
The love you have for family and friends is not the kind of love that will give you entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven, as all the world does the same.
To enter in, you must separate yourself, be set apart from all the rest, and to do this, you must be willing to have and show the same kind of love for your worst enemy, and without a doubt to have nobody BLOCKED from your life from the heart.
It may seem as if the homeless person who lives under a bridge has blocked the rest of the world out of their life, and this may be the case, as they may also be blocked from the lives of many others, but in the heart if that homeless person passes his or her test to be able to love as Jesus loved us, he or she will be in the Kingdom and you who have had thousands of friends and family all your life or even just a few people you cherish so much you would bend over backwards for at any time of the day, but still have just ONE person you would not do the same, you will miss the Kingdom after while. You possess no real power and favor with God, only the flesh in which you live through daily.
It sounds impossible then to possess favor and power with God and to be found perfect in the end, but it actually is not impossible, just that FEW people will actually meet the criteria of one of the elect of God because few people can accept these sayings and few people will seek to know exactly how to please God enough to make their election for sure with God.
It will be sad to hear the words from Jesus, depart from me, I never knew you after you have lived a lifetime on earth thinking you was one of his elect and many think this will not be the case because they think so highly of themselves for one reason and because there was just ONE person they were not willing to treat as Jesus would treat them.
You don't actually have to bend over backwards to meet the requirement even though you might be doing that for many people in your circle of family and friends. Loving another person does not involve the many things people in the flesh thinks it involves. To love others spiritually and in a way that will grant you entrance to the Kingdom is to fulfill the following scriptures with all people:
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. (This verse tells us without charity we have no favor or power spiritually with God.)
And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. (this verse tell us that even though we have received spiritual gifts and have great faith, without charity, it profits us nothing in the eyes of God.
And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned,and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. (This verse tells us we could be very generous ingiving away our money or giving gifts or feeding others, etc, but having not charity, all of it is useless to us in the eyes of God.
Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. (this verse tells us charity in the heart means you will be a person who suffers long in your life situations without complaint and you will be kind to everybody, not just a few select people, but everyone. It is a heart that does not POUT easily or as scripture says gets puffed up and mad at people easily, holding grudges, and so forth.
Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil. (this verse tells us it is a heart or person that does not constantly seek to get their own way about things in their life. It is a person who is not easily made angry. It is a person that never thinks evil.
Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth. (this verse tells us this is a person who is never happy about any kind of sin, but is happier about God's righteousness and seeing others do the will of God rather than to perform sin.
Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
It is a person that is willing to bear all the up's and downs of their life without complaint and without whining. If you are always complaining and whining about your life's situations, you are not bearing all things.
There are several other verses in this chapter. Read the chapter at Corinthians Chapter 13, verse 4. Become born again and receive the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in other tongues to actually understand what this chapter is talking about.
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